There is a huge price range when it comes to considering college! You’ve got your basic two year community colleges all the way up to Harvard, Stanford, and Oxford (here’s a little tip… if anything ends in –ord then you know its pricey). Any private school is going to be extremely expensive because they are not funded by taxes. I paid well under $10,000 per year while attending community college and state school. On the other hand private schools can cost upwards of $50,000 per year. Now that may seem reasonable if you expect to graduate with a law degree or become a surgeon, but most people don’t end up with careers that pay in the hundreds of thousands. If you are a driven, ambitious individual who know exactly what you want, then maybe you should consider going to a top private school. In my experience I’ve noticed that most people don’t know exactly what they want to do and end up changing majors at least once.
Going to a private college does look good on a resume, but finding a job that will pay off all the debt is the hard part. You’ve got to hope that when you emerge from the classroom that the economy is good and your field is in demand. One of the worst things that could happen is for the interest to start piling up and you sink deeper and deeper in debt. This can most certainly happen to anyone and usually ends in bankruptcy, which is good for no one at all.
Going to a private college does look good on a resume, but finding a job that will pay off all the debt is the hard part. You’ve got to hope that when you emerge from the classroom that the economy is good and your field is in demand. One of the worst things that could happen is for the interest to start piling up and you sink deeper and deeper in debt. This can most certainly happen to anyone and usually ends in bankruptcy, which is good for no one at all.
A state school is much more manageable and affordable. It is reasonable to work a part time job in order to fund your time at college with the help of grants/scholarships. This does not put on the pressure of completing a degree that you find does not fit you. It allows for a little flexibility, just in case you want to change majors and take another year for school. You won’t be fifty grand further in debt.
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